Saturday, March 25, 2006

No piggybacking in Illinois

So, I guess you shouldn't hang around in your car with a laptop...A man in Illinois just plead guilty to using someone else's network without permission. $250 and a year of court supervision should teach him!

I wonder how this would have played out in an Open Access Network world? Is it possible to create a model in which someone like FON can open up the last mile to provide more complete coverage? It doesn't feel like the big providers will willingly give up their lock on this, but perhaps there's a business model that will eventually emerge that makes sense to them...

Meanwhile over in WiMAX world, the WiMAX Forum just certified some more products in the 3.5Ghz spectrum for fixed wireless, pushing the standard towards further deployment with their "Plugfest". We should see WiMAX starting to make an impact this year with the rollout of these interoperable products.


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