Monday, August 15, 2005

Georgia Tech

I'll be taking my cyberinfostructure efforts to Georgia Tech this fall as I enter the PhD program within the College of Computing.

Other programs that were in the running included the University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Maryland at College Park. Both schools were impressive and I'm hoping to be able to collaborate with professors in the future.

As part of my warm up for the program, I'll begin creating a valid reading list and start focusing my reseaerch on a couple of areas.

The key components of the research will include:
  • information security, privacy and policy
  • information access/retriveal
  • wireless/rfid/sensor networks
  • ubiquitous computing
  • human access and visualization
One possible area of focus is the idea of "Supply Chain Visualization" -- using wireless sesors, location aware computing, information security, privacy and access, and providing the visualization capability to the massive amounts of moving/distributed data.

I call this the "Where's my stuff" problem...

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