Monday, May 17, 2004


A couple of items to note:
First, Ken pointed me to a very nice package for setting up sites: Mambo  This open source software seems to rock.
Second, started integrating Jess into BizCQ.  Need to continue working with that and expand the web service interface.  Need a better way to create rules for Jess related to BizCQ.
Third, heading to NY tomorrow for WWW2004 to present a poster on BizCQ. 
Lastly, good weekend with the kids.  Two soccer games and one Ballet picture day.  Also, had fun having Aunt LaLa in town.  Too bad Brian couldn't come and play...

Kipp Jones - CTO
nuBridges, LLC -
eBusiness is Business

cell:  404.213.9293
work:  770.730.3722