Friday, May 25, 2007

More Net Neutrality

I'm working on putting together an event to discuss/debate/argue the merits and issues surrounding Net Neutrality. As such, I'm always interested in well considered arguments as well as those that come from an emotional or political angle. It's a very touchy subject for some, and covers everything from government intervention, to oligopoly market manipulation, to business models, to competition, to politics -- from wired to wireless -- from state to global. It has many facets, so having a good understanding of all of the different elements is helpful.

Here are some recent articles I've read (and I'll inject my editorial note here):

- Political (and largely baseless): Should there be neutrality in the Net? "Because Google, Yahoo and Microsoft have promised special treatment for leftist websites and blogs if net neutrality passes."

- Wireless Net Neutrality: From Tim Wu, pushing the idea of net neutrality and open access towards mobile devices (read: cell providers). Wireless Net Neutrality: Cellular Carterfone on Mobile Networks

- Academic articles and definition: Tim Wu's work

I tend to give weight to the well researched and documented arguments rather than specious non-referenced, emotional/political arguments, but that's just me...

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