Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Freedom to Connect - F2C

Okay, so after having several more weeks to take a deeper look and having had several arguments presented, I'm definitely coming to the conclusion that legislation for network neutrality is a bad idea. I do think the fervor over the topic has done a good job of raising the awareness within the public, private and gov't sectors, at least letting people know that it is something that we should be concerned about, that we should pay attention to the workings of the network and providers, and that there are alternatives.

I think the best soliloquy on the subject that I've seen comes from Martin Geddes on his Telepocalypse blog. Most of the arguments stem from the idea that we want to allow for emergent behaviors (networks, usage, business models, technology, payment, etc.) and anything we do to try to control that will actually damage our ability to experiment and create new and innovative techniques to reach everybody in the way that they want to be reached.

His post is a long version of a speech he gave at the F2C Conference which looks like a very interesting place to be.

I guess I shouldn't complain though, I'm hanging out at the ICDE conference (International Conference on Data Engineering) which has its share of interesting talks and personalities, just a bit different layer on the stack.


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