Sunday, January 22, 2006


I'm still knee deep in Africa, working through the issues regarding the regional IXP and Internet access in the region.

In fact, I spent some time on Friday talking to both Risa's and Laney's classes about the trip. Okay, I didn't gain much additional insight into IXP's, but it was fun and I was happy to be able to share some information about another part of the world to a bunch of kindergarteners and third graders. The third graders really liked the goat head story!

I have expanded my world interest and am now in a course on Latin American Democracy/Politics. Yeah, I know, Africa isn't enough, I needed another continent to worry about!

Latin America has some very interesting things going on these days. A bunch of new leaders are moving into position, and most of them are leftist leaning socialist tending folk.

Most interesting, especially today, is Bolivia. Evo Morales was inaugurated as the President of Bolivia after a re democratic election in which he earned some 54% of the popular vote.

A bit of information about Evo can be found all over the net...but I like wikipedia. Some great information about who attended this event on MABB's blog. A great blog with commentary/translation/dictation of the ceremony today. An additional link to a great photostream from the trip Evo made yesterday.

Amazing cast of characters, and although Castro didn't attend the event, he did send his Vice-President, Carlos Lage...

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