Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Focus on Research

Key topics of interest include:
  • Web Technologies (web services, semantic web, search, retrieval, etc.)
  • Information Quality and Availability (get it when you need it, proper semantics, verifiable pedigree, etc.)
  • Cyberinfrastructure (or as I prefer cyberINFOstructure -- a focus on the infrastructure that provides access to the inforamation rather than the comptuing side of the infrastructure)

I intend to build on and improve these 3 pillars to understand how they can be applied towards two areas:
  • Enterprise Computing
  • Scientific Computing
I believe there are some fundamental process, algorithms, and capabilities that can be created to provide support for both of these activities. Clearly each has some specific needs that will be different from the other and we may need to go down one path quite a ways to fully undertand the particular needs, but ultimately I'd like to circle back to find the commonalities across these domains.

The next step is to identify and isolate relevant research related to these topics and begin to distill it into a more focused set of ideas.

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